The Legal Side of Real Estate

What Does A Real Estate Lawyer Do?

1 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

In the intricate world of property transactions, a real estate lawyer serves as an indispensable guide, ensuring everything is legally sound and the client's interests are protected. While their responsibilities can vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific nature of the deal, here are some tasks typically handled by a real estate lawyer. Review and Draft Real Estate Documents A core part of a real estate lawyer's job is drafting and reviewing real estate documents. Read More …

Give Them Something To Follow: Why Include An Inventory List In Your Estate Plan

28 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you're working on your estate plan, now's the time to make an inventory of your assets. That includes all real and personal property that you own. When you inventory your assets, you create a road map for your loved ones to follow once you're gone. One of the benefits of creating an inventory is that you can leave notes about each item. That way, your loved ones can dispense of the items you want to give away once you're gone. Read More …

How Buyer Representation Expands Your Options

27 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a home is one of the most significant decisions you'll make in your life. As the real estate market becomes increasingly complex and competitive, having buyer representation has become a critical advantage for homebuyers. A buyer's agent, also known as a buyer representative, is a licensed professional who exclusively represents the interests of the buyer throughout the purchasing process. Here's how buyer representation can open up your world. Access to a Wider Range of Properties Read More …

How A House Is Handled In A Divorce

19 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Divorce is a challenging process that has many financial and legal considerations, including the division of shared marital assets. One significant asset that often holds financial and emotional value is the family home. If you're filing for divorce, it's important to know how your home will be divided when negotiating the terms of the divorce.  Ownership Determination The first thing that needs to be done is to determine the ownership status of the home. Read More …

5 Reasons To Engage A Real Estate Lawyer When Purchasing Commercial Or Investment Property

4 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Purchasing a commercial or investment property is an exciting and complex venture. There are many legal aspects that must be considered when navigating these transactions, which can make the process overwhelming. An experienced real estate lawyer can help ease this burden by providing professional guidance and advice as to what steps need to be taken to ensure a successful outcome. Here are five reasons why it's important to engage a real estate lawyer when purchasing commercial or investment property: Read More …

About Me
The Legal Side of Real Estate

Many people work as real estate agents and property managers. People tend to be quite familiar with these professionals. But there is another related profession that doesn't seem to be as well understood: the job of real estate attorneys. Real estate attorneys are those who make sure the law is followed whenever there is a real estate transaction. Most transactions are sales, but these attorneys are also involved in rental and lease agreements. We hope to capture a pretty good snapshot of what they do as we write for this blog. We think that by doing so, we can help readers like you better understand the world of real estate attorneys.
